
Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday features something new!

Here are some of the beautiful blogs and shops who left their links last Friday!

Life at the Bungalow is a neat blog by Jamie Creason who writes about her life and loves. Jamie also has a fabulous Etsy shop that contains beautiful hand-made jewelry with re-purposed vintage pieces among other things. Her creations are truly unique!

Next is GStudio by Heather Graef. Heather makes these fabulous bags and accessories!

Super modern, unique and practical- these would make great Holiday gifts. You can find her on Facebook and her Etsy shop is here.

Tramy Doan makes lovely flowers,jewelery and paper cards on her Handmade Flowers blog and shares tutorials with her readers on just how she does it!

The Native American Bead Company has "all things native" including beads, party kits, and cultural and historical books and information on Native Americans. Gaynor Marshall has a wonderful online bead shop with all kinds of beautiful things!

Finally, Robin McAllister-Zaas has a fabulous, inspirational blog called Wake Up Momma, This Is Your Life! This blog is full of tips, wisdom, and the beautiful tidbits that make our lives a little better from soups to sage advice.

Thanks girls for leaving your link! Grab a button at the right and blog on!

This week's link party, I will ask that you

1. Leave your link
2. Friend us on Facebook
3. Leave the link above you a meaningful comment
4. Leave me a comment letting me know you were here so I can follow you back

This week, we're going to do a giveaway/drawing for a free Trick or Treat Halloween printable party.

Link away my friends!


  1. Thanks for sharing these links with us!

  2. Thanks for featuring me! I'm fairly new to the blog world and I appreciate the mention...always a work in progress you know! Kudo's to you, your fabulous site and your success! Cheers!

  3. Hey, found you on a blog hop! Your blog looks like so much fun, I'm following now and can't wait to see more! :)

    Amie @

  4. Thanks guys! The link party is open until next Thursday, so spread the word! :)

