
Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Features Something New! 10.15.10

I promised and here it is!
This week's Feature me! Friday and Link party!


Clickable Party Button

Catch the Bouquet Extravaganza at Married with Coupons!

This is really exciting - especially because WE'RE ONE OF THE GIVEAWAYS! WOOT WOOT!

Check it out!
Just Married with Coupons

Potholes and Pantyhose is one of my new favorite hangouts. How can you not adore this girl? A creative free spirit with so much style it hurts. Especially the hot rollers and sledgehammer pic. If you haven't enjoyed Rebekah's blog yet, you are truly missing something in this life! She submitted this neat Marbles and Copper Recycled Windchime.


Graphic Design by Tara hosts a weekly blog hop mysteriously called "The Weekend Blog Hop" Hee hee! Stop by to make some new friends over the weekend, and while your there, visit her shop for graphic design needs such as logos, stationary and letterhead.


Also, visit her sister site Bipolar World Girl with Tara's musings about food, life and lots and lots of blog hops!

Maria from Agape Love Designs posted these cute and funky glow in the dark Halloween nails! So cute!

Having a Hallalujah Good Time submitted this Easy Pear Butter recipe and tutorial! MMMMM.

Creative Passage submitted these Felted Wool Pumpkins - so, so cute! Ellen is a fabulous Etsy artist and crafty girl - super great ideas on her blog from quilting to paper craft to thrifty finds!

That's all for this week's Feature Me! Friday! Join the link party below if you would like to be featured next week on our blog!


Here's the drill...

Rules are

1. Leave your image/link below with something you'd like to share and have featured on this blog next Friday! This can be pretty much anything.
2. Grab the button featured above from the sidebar and place it in your post or on your blog to spread the word about the blog party.
3. Follow me here, Twitter OR Facebook and leave me a comment telling me what you did so I can follow you back!
4. Follow and/or leave a comment for {at least} the link before yours!

That's it! Enjoy the party!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring me! I am honored!

  2. I'm a fairly new follower, and I love your site! Thanks for hosting!!

  3. I love your blog so I am honoring you with these awards!
