
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday has a recipe {VEGAN Pumpkin Pie!} 10.5.10

Today's recipe comes from a fellow mogger blommy, Marci from The Balancing Act in Scrubs and Stilletos and her Meatless Monday series!

From her blog:
This blog is mostly about my 2 sweet little boys, Levin and Brighton, about being a Mother, our Vegetarian/Vegan diet/Green Living/Recycling/Saving the animals/Earth-loving/Hippie Lifestyle. Were not your ordinary Family!
She is definitely a great girl to follow as she chronicles her 'life less ordinary'! And without further ado, I give you...

Vegan Pumpkin Pie!

Visit her blog for the recipe and directions, and leave her some comment love! Why is this extra great? Because every year for the holidays, we have some friends and family who are vegetarians or vegans - and now I know what I can do to show them I love them that much more! And you can too!

If you missed yesterday's post: Monday's Blog has Something Free - click through and download you free Halloween party circles! And there is still time to leave your link for Feature Me! Friday! Link Party!

Clickable Party
Where I'm Hopping Today


To-the-TOP Tuesday


  1. Looks super good! :) I LOVE pumpkin pie- and coffee, ice cream, candy, candles... everything pumpkin!
    Following you from Toddler Talk Thursdays! (Last week)

  2. I'm a new follower! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  3. Yum!! I am your newest follower following you back :)

  4. Thank you for following me. I am now following you too. Happy Hopping.

  5. Oh thank you SO much for featuring my recipe! It really is so good :) Have a wonderful day!

    The balancing act in stiletto's and scrubs

  6. This looks delish! I am going to have to try it!!
