
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Postcrossing Anyone? {Geeky Fun}

Here's a fun family activity that is educational and fun. We started Postcrossing about two years ago. When we go on our travels, we try to pick up interesting postcards that we can send to some lucky person somewhere around the world.  We started this so that the kids could learn more about geography, and I was surprised to learn about places I had never heard of before. This is also a great classroom project for kids of almost any age!

Basically, you sign up with Postcrossing, and they will tell you where to send your postcard.  You even get to see the person's profile, and find out what kind of postcards they would like.  Once your postcard is received, your profile is listed next in the cue to receive a postcard.  How exciting!  You can start a scrapbook, or just keep the one online.

Here's some we have sent.

And here's some we received!

Here's our personalized map showing where we have sent to and received from.

Hope you try it out, and enjoy it!


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