
Monday, July 11, 2011

Waymarking: Roger Williams Zoo {Geeky Activity and Summer Travels}

This summer, we are going to be traveling quite a bit.  Something that my family started a couple of years ago was Waymarking.  This is fun and can get the kids involved in learning things about geography, longitude and latitude and picture taking.  It's also a neat way to log where you've been and contribute to the webosphere.  It just takes a few minutes to make your very own waymarks, or to check in with one someone else has set up.

I made a pinterest board for all the places I hope to take the kids!

We went to the Roger Williams Zoo with my in-laws and the other cousins at the end of June. Our waymark is under review - (I forgot to take our picture at the entrance!)

And here are some super fun pictures from our visit!  We somehow picked the busiest day of the year, but it wasn't too hot and the kids had a blast.

 Wind tunnel
 THE Tree
 How far can you jump?
 The infamous camel
 Monkey!  My fav!
 My monkey.
 Water fight

 Domesticated endangered animals - Nigerian goat.
 Harbor seals (my other fav)
 Watching the elephants

 A little sparrow visiting us during lunch

 The cousins

 With his papa

And that is it - fabulous day!  If you want to try out waymarking with your family, they now have added scavenger hunts!  So cool!

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  1. What a fun post! You've got me wanting to go to the zoo :)

  2. Thanks Lamb Around! We always have fun there, and Waymarking is so cool!

