
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Georgetown Cupcakes {Accidental Tourist Moment #2}

Katherine and Sophie of Georgetown Cupcakes are a huge inspiration to me and my sister.  They started their cupcake business in 2008, and now run a booming business and have their own hit TV show on TLC {DC Cupcakes}!  I love success stories, and theirs is a great one!  {Shameless unrelated shout out to Felicia Day, fellow geek, and another of my favorite success stories!}

Anywhoooo, since I was in the neighborhood, my sister decided to bring for an unplanned visit to Georgetown Cupcakes.  Our accidental tourist moment came just the right time, since there happened to be no line!!!

No line this way
and no line this way!!!  Wow!
3301 M Street, Washington, DC
Of course, we all had to pose in front of the giant party pic!

The boys

Me and the boys

Me and my sister

In  we go!
Decisions, decisions!

We placed our order...

and got ready to enjoy!

Can't wait
Cupcake bag
Red Velvet Cupcake
Red Velvet and Chocolate Birthday Party

Lovely table bouquet
We had a ball for our little spur of the moment adventure. If you're ever in DC or Maryland, you should stop by and pay them a visit!


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