
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stikman Sightings {Geeky Fun}

If you live in a major metropolitan area or just like to visit them, keep your eye out for this guy:

He is "stikman," and he is a sneaky piece of urban Guerilla art that can be found from Boston to DC, from Hollywood to Toronto.  He is typically found in crosswalks, although he can also be seen on signs and walls. 

My oldest son noticed this one when we were walking in the monument section of DC, and said that he had also seen one back home when we were visiting Boston for a day trip and he wondered what they were.  He asked our waiter that night at dinner showing him this image on our camera, but our waiter didn't know what these were either.  

Once we noticed him, we seemed to see him everywhere!  All over DC and Philadelphia.  After doing some research, I discovered this Flickr group dedicated to stikman sightings by other curious passerby's who have been intrigued by his ghostly presence.  

Chicago, IL

Philadelphia, PA

He has become a new Easter Egg for my family while traveling.  If you want to know more about stikman, and see more fabulous pictures of him, visit his photostream.  Also, here are some articles on the elusive stikman:

Who knows, maybe he will get his own printable theme!


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